It's not about us. It's about our kids.

The time is NOW to fix our schools!

We need to bring Decorum Back to our schools!


People are tired of watching all of the arguing, name calling and childish behavior from the board. Is this the example we really want to provide to our children? People are over it. There is no place for this behavior on our school board. Let’s put a stop to this. People don't like bullies, especially when they are in leadership roles. Let's work together to remove the bully.


I encourage all people to watch the Brevard Schools Youtube channel. Watch the past meetings, and pay close attention to the interactions that occur regularly between board members and between board members and the public. Review the public comment sessions, and see what folks are saying, and about who. Do you see any patterns? I personally find what I am watching to be embarrassing. We need to do better and set a proper example for our children and the public at large.


Let's work together with folks on all sides so that we can make progress. Positive change can't happen without colleagiality, respect, and common decency. Sadly, this is lacking on the school board. Vote for me, and we can remove the problem.


Creative business team putting hands together at the office

My position on important issues in Public Education.

Keep Parents Engaged & Involved

Parents should be involved in their children's education. Parents are the most important supplement to their child's education. We need to do more to make them feel welcome in our schools. It takes a village.

Take a Stand against Testing!

We spend a fortune on testing services. It's time to evaluate what we are evaluating, and put a stop to all the money we spend on testing! Teachers, kids, and parents hate all the testing. Why do we keep the insanity going?

Offer Innovative Curriculum

Let's face it. Our students are bored. Class offerings have not changed much in the last 30 years. It's time to make learning exciting again.

Involve Local Businesses; Keep Talent Local

Local businesses should be more involved in helping to shape and implement curriculum initiatives that serve their interest in the workforce. We should focus on creating a natural pipeline of local talent that starts at the K12 level and feeds students into either local colleges and universities, and then into local industries that are in great need of qualified workers.


Pay All BPS Personnel Respectably

We have teacher & staff shortages for a reason. Teachers and staff cannot live on the wage we pay them. How are we going to attract new teachers & staff, if all they hear is how bad the pay is?


We need to do a  better job making the profession more attractive. The art of teaching needs to be championed, glorified and revered. Efforts must be made to paint the profession in a positive light so that we recruit and attract. Working conditions need to be improved so that we can retain. 

Prioritize Mental Health

Mental health has always been a great area of need. We need to be proactive, not reactive, when addressing mental health. Proactive measures require more human resources and programs.

Compete for Students

Parents have more choices then ever before. Losing students = Losing money. It's time to stop the bleeding and invest in making public schools an attractive option for parents. Home school programs, charter school, virtual schools and private schools all spend money on advertising and marketing. Public schools should do the same.

Fix the Substitute Teaching Crises

Just like teachers, substitute teachers are undervalued. The shortage of subs is crippling to our schools. When a teacher calls out, and there is no sub to fill the vacancy, administrators have to pull key personnel from their job duties to cover classes. This leads to teacher burnout and low morale.

Expand Mentorship & Internships for Students

Not all students have the luxury of having mentors in their life. All kids need the presence of a trustworthy adult in their life. The value of mentorship can have a profound impact on the trajectory of a kid's life. Internships also provide students real world learning opportunities and on the job training. Providing both of these pathways are invaluable. More should be done in these areas.

Find Alternative Sources of Funding

The funding system of public education, especially in Florida, has been broken for a long time. Let's work together to develop solutions. We need to establish mutually beneficial partnerships with local businesses. If we can build programming that can help solve problems in the business community, the money will come.

Expand Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Almost every industry leader in the nation are saying the same thing. The workforce is bone dry. There is a lack of qualified, skilled workers to meet their demands. We need to expand our CTE programs and involve local industry experts to help guide us down the right path.